It appears that the blood of Dragons is known for its longevity and durability, as this one promises *up to* TEN DAYS of wear! At the small price of £2.59, I would pleased with one full day of good wear! It is becoming increasingly difficult to find varnish at a good price, especially when they all like to promise me the world with pretty diamonds and unicorns who crap rainbows... Moving along!
Initially I was struck by the ease of application, the brush is simply marvelous! I was able to do several of my nails with one sweep, magic. The formula is nice, not too thick for one that, once again, promises durability and I had no streaks, no bubbles, no drag, just a nice even coat.
I have to say, so far Collection 2000 are kicking L'Oreal's arse! That's right L'Oreal, we know you're not as premium as you claim!
I quite like the colour and opacity of this varnish, it only required one heavy handed coat and has a lovely, glossy sheen to it, the red isn't too lost in the darkness of the shade, so it's doing well!

Unfortunately the shade appears a bit more towards the mahogany red, rather than the sanguine, who knows, perhaps it will look better in the light of day, rather than the fluorescent lights in our house! We shall see....
Hanibee out! <3
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